Jun 25, 2008

more to do

Well, I applied for a job at Varsity and within two days they put me to work cleaning a building at night. The good thing is, is that they also gave Blake the same job, so Blake and I clean a building together. It gets done faster and we get to spend time with each other, so it works out pretty nice. Our family pictures turned out pretty cute if I do say so myself, even with the kids being unhappy and the babies crying. Those pictures remind me of just how wonderful and fun my family is, and how much I love them. I guess we've all come along way from the childhood fights (Barb and I had many of those, and now we're best friends). Anyway, that's what's up in my life right now, just taking it easy until classes start in August. I'm finally seeing the light at the end of the college tunnel and I'm getting soooooo excited. Let's hope my advisor is correct in my classes and requirements, so that I can finally be done this spring! Just in time for Blake to start his college career.

1 comment:

New Beginnings. said...

I found your blog!!!!Tag your it:)