Mar 17, 2009

March is better than February!

In my last blog I was being a complainer, and for that I apologize. I've had some good things happen in the month of March and some other good things that promise to keep it going. First I now have my cap and gown in my possession (they are chilling in the second bedroom of our apartment), and I have to say I'm getting senioritis REALLY BAD!!!! Also, I've been a little overwhelmed when it came to my classes and my internship, but they've been going pretty good and I feel like I know where things are heading now, which is a relief. Another good thing that happened was this last weekend I was able to hang out with some of my friends from high school. The girls usually get together, but some are missing either because they can't make it or live out of town. This time we had Sarah here from Utah and our husbands were included too. We had dinner over at Katie's house and the rest of us brought the side stuff and the dessert. Some had to leave early, but it was good to see them while they were there. Katie, Sarah, and I (plus spouses) were talking till midnight about anything and everything. For awhile it was the girls talking in the living room and the guys talking in the kitchen (I think there is a little bromance starting with our husbands, they'll start going out to eat and talk pretty soon here too! ;- )). Then we all got together. In the midst of our talking we decided that Sarah and I will have a joint graduation party sometime in May, because she'll be here and we'll both be done with school. Although I think Sarah deserves top honors for getting her MA in Chemistry, it took me this long just to get my BA! Anyway, this weekend is something I'm really looking forward to, because it's our first anniversary! I can't believe it's been a year! I'm so happy and love him more and more all the time. Since we are poor, we're using some free tickets to Lava and a Chili's gift card to celebrate :- ). This weekend also hails in spring break, my last one ever! But like I said before, we are poor. So our big trip will be to Boise to visit my sisters family and we are leaving Thursday night, so that I only miss one day of work. It'll still be soooo much fun to visit the fam though. We will also probably stop off in Twin to visit my brother's family too. All this coupled with the fact that the weather is (slowly) starting to get warmer is making me soooo happy. I knew March would be better! :- )