Jun 10, 2008

Family Fun

This last week has been crazy, but fun. All of my siblings were in town this last week and we played everyday (well, after Blake and I got off work anyway). The whole family doesn't get together a lot since Joni and Matt were in Des Moines ( they just moved to Casper, WY for Matt to start his rotations), Barb and Mike are in Boise, and soon Jeff and Kerry will be in Twin Falls (Jeff got a job at T.F.H.S. teaching biology). I love my family and my nieces and nephews, but it was sometimes very overwhelming to have the babies all crying at once and all the toddlers fighting with each other (yeah try taking a family photo with 2 three-year-olds, 1 two-year-old, 1 one-year-old, and 2 six-month olds!). I will be sure to post the photos of the fam when we get them. Anyway, the madness never ends and this week we will be leaving for Park City, UT to spend some time with my parents in a condo for a few days. Hopefully, my car is done by the time we leave...it's currently at Jade Auto Clinic because someone hit my car and then drove away leaving $2,200 damage to my poor car. I'm soooo grateful for insurance!


Katie said...

Sounds like fun! Crazy times with family always seem to be the best times. Oh, and your poor car! At least you weren't in it when it happened!

katie said...

Hey Alicia!! Found you via Katie. I love being able to catch up with old friends. Can't wait to keep reading and keeping in touch.