Dec 30, 2008

Holiday Fun

Since I have some time now that finals are over to write on our blog I thought I'd take the opportunity while I had it. Christmas was a lot of fun this year. On Christmas Eve Blake and I went to my parents house where all my siblings and their families had gathered. This was the last year that we decided to all get together for Christmas since all of their little families are growing and they're starting traditions of their own. Anyway, we had the nice, traditional dinner that night and then went to see the lights around town... we didn't even make it into town before all the kids fell asleep. We adults enjoyed the lights (and quite) anyway. When we got back to the house we had a special visitor come and see the kids... yep, Santa made a special stop at my parents house with the kids' Christmas p.j.'s in tow. Most of the kids really liked Santa, but little Jack wasn't too sure about some big guy in a red suit and started to cry (he's so cute even when he's crying). After that we tried to get the kids settled down to go to bed... yeah that was fun... Anyway, Grandma and Grandpa had a sleepover with the older kids upstairs while the parents got things put together downstairs, and then played games because their kids were asleep. That was fun! The next morning the kids got up and were excited to see the presents that Santa left, and we all had a great time opening gifts and being excited with the kids. We also had a very yummy breakfast, and then just chilled for awhile. Blake and I left for a few hours to go to Inkom where his grandparents live for some time with his family, and with all the snow it made for an interesting ride. We came back to my parents house for a few more hours to be with my grandma and then left for Blake's parents house to have Christmas with his parents. We got too spoiled, but enjoyed our time there watching Mama Mia! (I love that show!) So that was our Christmas break, pretty busy but soooo much fun to be with family. For New Years we'll be partying with some good friends of ours and that promises to be a fun night. After that it is on to my final semester of school! I'm actually excited for this semester because it's my last. Blake has been getting things together to go to school in the fall, and it will be nice to change roles for awhile. I hope the Holiday's were and will be great for all of you!

1 comment:

Sarah Roberts said...

wow- sounds like a blast- our christmas was nice too- peaceful- it was our first one alone- which is always nice:)