Nov 5, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy

It's been crazy busy for Blake and I the last few weeks, and that's the reason I haven't posted anything for awhile. Blake has been working hard as ever and enjoying his time off with friends and family. He also finds time to help me out by doing chores around our home, which I appreciate very, very much. I have been reading, doing papers, working, and trying to be social. I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel with school in that next semester I will be taking my seminar class along with another one of my choice, and an internship. I'm really excited that I got this internship because it's the only one for the department and I was able to get it! My luck usually isn't that good, so I was pretty shocked. Anyway, that's the readers digest version of what's going on in our lives right now. I have to say that since yesterday was elections (for which I had to work a 13 hour day), I have to say my two cents on some things since I can say whatever I want on my blog :- ) One, is yes, I was not an Obama supporter. Two, yes, I wasn't that thrilled with McCain either. It was choosing the lesser of two evils in my opinion. But, I also have hope that Obama will do what is right, and that if he doesn't the other two branches of government will keep things in check. That's what I love about our country and our forefathers. They knew that a country ruled by one person and even one group of people would not work. I know that they were inspired of God as to how to form this country. I also put my faith in God to know that whatever may come, whether it's a result of our president or not, He is in control. Be still and know that he's God. He will do what he can for this country he created as long as it's inhabitants do their part. I must also say that I'm pleased that the controversial Proposition 8 of California was able to pass. Everyone should have the rights of marriage, but God has said that marriage is between a man and a woman, and I'm not about to go against what God has defined. This proposition was also important to me because I was able to see the balance of power play out. The Judicial Branch made gay marriage legal without the authority to do so, and it was interesting to see that when the decision was placed in the hands of the people of the state that they chose something different. Anyway, that's a little more than two cents, but oh well, at least my opinion has been shared. God bless America.

1 comment:

Sarah Roberts said...

I am right there with ya- ALicia congrats on the internship