Sep 30, 2008

my randomness

So Christine tagged me to list 6 random facts about's a lot harder than you think. My life is an open book and there is not much that is not known about me, but I'll give it a try....

1. I'm a lefty, and I love it! (except for when I smear ink as I'm writing)
2. I hate Ross dress for less cause they don't carry my shoe size, RUDE!
3. I've never broken a bone (knock on wood), just hyper-extended both my knees and sprained my ankle pretty good.
4. I didn't get me first kiss until I was 20, and I'm grateful that I waited that long, but mad that it was with a jerk of a boy. I'm also grateful that me and my husband didn't kiss a lot of other people before we met.
5. I absolutely HATE IT when people pop their knuckles! It's like nails on a chalkboard!
6. I also hate whip cream (unless it's mixed in with other stuff), it taste like sweet, watery air. bleh!

Anyway, that's my six random facts. Not too surprising, eh. I'm a pretty average person, nothing too extraordinary or anything. But I do love my life and what I've done with it. I've done exciting things and had awesome opportunities come my way that some will never see. I have a wonderful, loving husband, an awesome, fun job, and some amazingly wonderful family and friends (both mine and Blake's). Just because my life doesn't seem glamorous cause I'm not clamoring for the lime light doesn't mean it has been fun or interesting. I love it! :- )


Sarah Roberts said...

for the record I didn't know any of those things about you;) And you are fun and ingteresting:)

Christine said...

Thanks! I didn't know any of these other than the fact that you are a lefty!